In questo blog troverete musica gratis. Questo significa che, se vi piace il gruppo, siete moralmente obbligati a comprare i cd originali, andare ai concerti ecc. Vi renderebbe più felici.

Here you find free music. This means you really should buy the band's merch if you like the music. It'd be good for you and for them, too.

sabato 24 agosto 2013


Do you know Jeromes Dream? They were an important screamo group in the early '90s - late '00s. Among the music, they are remembered becouse their leader Jeff Smith sung without microphone. This made him stop singing and in 2002 he founded The Wind-up Bird with another guy, a violinist or so (who I believe does the most in tthe project). Probably nobody would bet a coin on a screamo guy who turned ambient, right? But here we have one of the best ambient albums I've ever listened to. A mind blowing experience. And most important, this isn't the boring '10s ambient, there aren't only synths and keys, we have a massive range of instruments and, most of all, inspired pieces.

lunedì 19 agosto 2013


Do you know the drone band Emeralds? Well they are no more. When I found it out I searched for everything that could supply them, and I found this album by Emerald's guitarist, mark.
I was expecting drone/noise but I found an astounding album. It's just guitar but God how masterfully he uses the effects, it's mindblowing. Brothers is almost unacceptably good. A close reference may be Roy Montgomery  though.