In questo blog troverete musica gratis. Questo significa che, se vi piace il gruppo, siete moralmente obbligati a comprare i cd originali, andare ai concerti ecc. Vi renderebbe più felici.

Here you find free music. This means you really should buy the band's merch if you like the music. It'd be good for you and for them, too.

giovedì 25 luglio 2013

I am sorry for the gap in the blog's activity, but I have to thank my exams for that. I put 2 posts to be (hopefully) forgiven.



Overdramatic folkish alcohol. 
After The Third Eye Foundation Bristol's most desperate man tries to convey what he feels on a record.
Painful and dry.



After Wu Lyf split (does even somebody remember them?) the singer -he has a fantastic voice, believe me- begun writing tunes. This is his first one. I'm in serious trouble tagging this one, really.

If you appreciate this it's better for you to know
you can obtain Wu Lyf's first and only album on this blog.
Strongly recommended.

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